Currently in process. A concise, clean, easy and consolidated website for all of us at Southernaire Mobile Home Resort.
An Events Calendar, a forum, contact info and more. Everything we need, nothing we don’t!
“In process” you query??? I NEED YOUR INPUT!
All I created here is “off the cuff” based on opinions of neighbors and my wife. (Happy wife, happy life… right! )
You don’t have time to make a trip to the board? It’s here.
Lost your Sentinel book with special events? It’s here.
Got an item or service to offer whether free or monetary?
Need an item or service free or monetary? Here.
No need to wait for the (very nice btw) Sentinel flyer or go to clubhouse to read the postings… It’s here.
The efforts of the Sunshine club and management are amazing. I desire to contribute as well. Here.
Q: Why do we need this website?
A: The need for this has been brought to my attention periodically for three years.
- Ease of finding park related or relevant local information from anywhere you are.
- Ability to securely communicate with other members.
- Learn more details on events that just do not fit in the printed events calendar.
- Real time updates on everything from events to park notifications.
Q: So, why join and create an account here on this website?
A: Residents who create an account here, will be able to view posts, interact, leave comments and take part in the private forum (forum coming soon) .
- Quick access to the Events Calendar form anywhere.
- An easy tool for providing accurate and easy access to park information relevant to residents.
- Management contact info, local service contact info like internet providers and power company.
- Residents can easily post free items here or items for sale. ONLY viewable by members. A FREE TABLE and classifieds.
- Residents can ask for help, or offer help among other residents. Whether moving a heavy item, changing a flat tire, mowing lawn or whatever.
- A texting feature is in the works! Members can sign up for text alerts for event reminders or info on power, water outages or critical alerts.
- Residents who DO NOT create an account here, can still view this page you’re reading , the Events Calendar, the Privacy Policy, and the Registration Form.
Q: What about Non Residents?
A: If you are NOT a resident of Southernaire Mobile Home Resort, you CANNOT join this website.
- Everything here is vetted and moderated. ALL signups are verified residents only.
- Non members can only view this page you’re reading, the Events Calendar, the Privacy Policy, and the Registration Form.
- This site, by design intentionally WILL NOT be indexed by the search engines. This helps keeps this website out of the public eye.
Q: Is it safe to join? Is my privacy secure?
A: YES, Very much so.
- I am running this website on a U.S. located PRIVATE DEDICATED SECURED server (like a bank website, not a shared “cloud”) which means, all information is private, encrypted and NEVER shared.
- As a member of this website, you can rest assured that ANY information you desire to save here is private and secure far beyond that of any social media platform.
- Even myself, as the operator of this website, cannot access your password or ANY personal information (although none will be requested).
- Any questions or concerns will be shared with HOA president and management.
I renew this certificate automatically every three months so, if the graphic above is out of date, no worries. I will add a new graphic as time permits.
You can always check the security certificate LIVE at: or
Q: Who foots the bill on this? Who’s paying for this?
A: I James, am paying for, creating and donating my time to this website.
- I currently work around 90 hours weekly. I will do my best to get all features of this websites features fully up and running soon.
- I just started this project on 02/07/2024 and expect to have most everything implemented by 02/19/2024. That’s my intent.
- I will accept any donations and ask “please, please” that you click on my Amazon link before you buy stuff from Amazon.
- As described in more detail below, any money generated beyond the operating cost of this site will be donated into the community.
Sooo, PLEASE support this effort… easily.
I will place an Amazon advertisement on this website. When you click on it (or touch it) it will take you to the website. Like this one:
Any purchases you make there, will help offset the costs of this website which, are out of my pocket.
Amazon provides anywhere from 1% to 3% of SOME sales to certified affiliate partners like myself.
These earnings are 100% trackable. I will provide reports monthly on any earnings here.
So, before you visit Amazon to buy something, come here and click the ad to support your community website.
Any monthly affiliate revenue or donations that exceed the amount needed to pay for the services to run this site, will be saved in a pool.
In January, at the HOA meeting, any remaining funds will be distributed to our community funds as the President / management sees fit.
A work in Progress.
I do request that you please bear with me as my spare time is minimal.
I create websites, write custom code, newsletters, create custom graphics, write apps, manage databases, I’m a search engine specialist, build custom computers and electronic circuits.
All said, I am a very busy guy by necessity.
Although my work schedule is just nuts, you can rest assured that my priority is laser focused on everything I create.
I would like to hear from you. What features or information would you like to see here?
Thank you!